
sports + more

Our team of performance physical therapists at are experts in all different types of sports and athletics including equestrians, dancers, aerial dancers, gymnasts, ice skaters, and more!

Equestrian Sport

If an injury is holding you back from performing at your best, trust your recovery to the experts who understand the demands of your unique sport. This ensures that you will recover in the fastest timeline possible and reduce risk of getting this injury again. Our performance physical therapists have extensive training in diagnosing and treating all different types of injuries. But even more, they understand how to properly prepare athletes to return to sport stronger and more confident than ever before.


Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization Therapy

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No more old fashioned, out-dated rehab techniques. Our team of physical therapists use the most current research and an active recovery approach. We believe that if you want to train and perform like a serious athlete, you need to recover like one! Utilize the same techniques that professional athletes use to stay in the game for the long haul.

Physical therapy for athlete

Whether you are dealing with an acute traumatic injury, chronic overuse injury, or recovering from a surgery, the team at is well equipped to lead the way in your recovery journey! Every treatment plan begins with a head-to-toe full body movement analysis where we determine the root cause of your injury and determine a game plan with how to fully recover from it. Together, we customize a treatment plan with a unique combination of hands-on manual techniques and corrective exercise specific to your sport and your goals. No two treatments are ever identical! 

If an injury is holding your training back, schedule an appointment with Physical Therapy and Sports Performance today. We’ll help diagnose the issue and get you started on the path toward recovery and returning to sport! We provide the best sports physical therapy in Thornton, CO, and the Denver metro area.

Don’t leave it to chance.

Let Denver’s premier team of sports physical therapists and performance coaches lead the way!


Top 5 Most Common Hockey Injuries

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Top 3 Injuries Holding Equestrians Back

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Top 5 Volleyball Injuries

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