How Can Corrective Exercise Help Relieve My Pain?
It is a common misconception that one should only rest when they are in pain. However, this antiquated thinking will actually put you into an injury cycle. Once you return to the sport or working out, the underlying cause of why the injury happened in the first place is still there and will cause you to get reinjured. Prolonged rest can actually cause your muscles to weaken during the healing process, which can lead to decreased functionality and more pain in the long run.
Our Thornton, CO sports physical therapists are movement experts, trained in improving strength, range of motion, and overall function of the body. Our sports physical therapist will design an individualized treatment program for you equipped with the corrective exercises you need to alleviate your pain, strengthen the weak areas of your body, promote the healing process, and restore function.
At, our goal is to help you live a pain-free life with even greater strength and endurance than you had before doing the activities you love most.