
Active Cupping Therapy

Sports Recovery Denver, CO

Myofascial Decompression (Cupping)

While the popularity of cupping has significantly increased in the past recent years, it isn’t a new practice. In fact, it was originally used in the ancient Chinese, Egyptian, and Middle Eastern cultures. It is an ancient form of alternative medicine that is performed by placing cups on the skin, in order to create suction.


Today, it is used as a way to relieve pain, improve tissue extensibility, enhance blood flow, and reduce inflammation. To find out more about how cupping may benefit you, request an appointment at today.

I’m Not So Sure About Cupping – Does It Really Work?

While you may have some apprehensions toward cupping, there is real science behind it. The suction within the cups creates negative pressure, which helps to increase hydration and blood flow to body tissues, ease up adhesions, and eliminate excess fluids. It is a versatile treatment that can be modified for your condition, whether you are in need of deep tissue massage or lymphatic drainage.


It is important to note that cupping is not a treatment method that will be performed on skin with wounds, infection, burns, or active inflammation. It can sometimes create bruises on the skin that can last up to two weeks. Bruises typically resolve themselves with time and should not be of concern.

Why Should I Choose Active Cupping Therapy?

Cupping can sometimes be described as a “tissue distraction release” technique. During the cupping process, the cups are glided across different areas of the body in order to lift and separate tissue. This works to enhance the release of the interfaces between the neural tissues, fascia, skin, ligaments, muscles, and tendons. It relaxes muscles, releases trigger points, improves lymphatic flow, increases local circulation, and releases scar tissue adhesion. Evidence supports cupping as an effective treatment method for several conditions, such as chronic neck pain, low back pain, sprains and strains.

Cupping Therapy in Denver, Colorado

There are three forms of cupping techniques: longitudinal, cross-fiber, and circular. The most common form is longitudinal, where the cup is glided longitudinally across the muscle fibers. Cross fiber is used when it is believed that the tissue is scarred. Circular is typically used at the end of the session, in order to ensure that all areas were covered.


Our Thorton, CO sports physical therapy team uses modern practices where rubber pumps will be used to create the vacuum, and silicone or plastic cups are sometimes used to create a massage effect. The cups are typically in place for 4-6 minutes. During this time, your physical therapist will either have you lay still or move certain joints to maximize the cupping effect.


Though not our goal, bruising is a common occurrence from cupping. Typically they resolve within a few days. Your physical therapist will review all possible outcomes prior to beginning treatment.

It is important to note that cupping is not a treatment method that will be performed on skin with wounds, infection, burns, or active inflammation. It can sometimes create bruises on the skin that can last up to two weeks. Bruises typically resolve themselves with time and should not be of concern.

How Can I Add Cupping To My Physical Therapy Sessions?

There are several benefits to cupping. Our primary usage is to speed up the recovery time of certain injuries and ailments, in addition to reducing symptoms.


If you are in Thornton, CO, and Denver metro area, and have an injury or health condition that is limiting you from living your active lifestyle, start with requesting an appointment with Physical Therapy and Sports Performance. You will meet with one of our licensed Thornton, CO sports physical therapists to figure out if cupping is right for you!

Cupping Therapy in Denver, Colorado

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