Physical Therapy And Neck Pain
Physical therapy is the best method of treatment if you are looking for a safe and effective option for your neck pain. At, our performance physical therapists are highly trained in evaluating your neck to discover where the pain is originating from and looking for any additional concerns.
After your evaluation is complete, your physical therapist will create a personalized treatment program for your specific sport and goals to help relieve your neck pain quickly, and reduce risk of recurrence.
Hands-on manual techniques are a common treatment method for neck pain, which consists of special techniques designed to reduce the stiffness of your neck and improve its range of motion. Your performance physical therapist will also provide you with targeted exercises and stretches, aimed at building, strengthening, and improving the muscles and tissues in your neck.
Additional treatment methods may be added into your treatment plan as our physical therapist deems fit, including functional dry needling, myofascial decompression (cupping), kinesiotaping, and IASTM.