
neck pain

Neck Pain Physical Therapy in Denver, Colorado

Relieve Those Pains In Your Neck With Physical Therapy

The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) states that approximately one-third of the population experiences neck pain every year. The neck is an integral part of your everyday movements, and neck pain can create undesirable challenges on daily tasks you can usually complete with ease. If left untreated, neck pain can lead to some serious conditions, and surgical correction may even be needed.



Do you experience pain or discomfort while sitting in your desk chair at work or while trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in at night? Do you notice stiffness in your neck after completing a weight lifting session or after long-distance biking? If so, performance physical therapy can help.


If you have been experiencing neck pain, don’t hesitate to schedule a complimentary consultation with one of our Thornton, CO sports physical therapists today. Physical Therapy and Sports Performance can help treat all the pains in your neck!

Physical Therapy And Neck Pain

Physical therapy is the best method of treatment if you are looking for a safe and effective option for your neck pain. At, our performance physical therapists are highly trained in evaluating your neck to discover where the pain is originating from and looking for any additional concerns.

Neck Pain Physical Therapy in Denver, CO

After your evaluation is complete, your physical therapist will create a personalized treatment program for your specific sport and goals to help relieve your neck pain quickly, and reduce risk of recurrence. 


Hands-on manual techniques are a common treatment method for neck pain, which consists of special techniques designed to reduce the stiffness of your neck and improve its range of motion. Your performance physical therapist will also provide you with targeted exercises and stretches, aimed at building, strengthening, and improving the muscles and tissues in your neck.

Additional treatment methods may be added into your treatment plan as our physical therapist deems fit, including functional dry needling, myofascial decompression (cupping), kinesiotaping, and IASTM.

What’s Causing My Neck Pain? What’s Causing My Neck Pain?

Neck pain is commonly felt from the base of the skull to the top of your shoulder blades, settling in the back of the neck. Neck pain can vary from mild to severe and can be dull, constant aches, or sharp and stabbing pains.

Additional symptoms that can accompany neck pain include:

There are several conditions that may lead to neck pain. Stress and irritation to the tissues or bone structures in the neck is the leading cause of neck pain. This tissue can occur from a sudden injury or develop over time from repetitive overuse. Certain degenerative diseases may also lead to neck pain.



Some of the most common causes of neck pain include:

Traumatic Injuries

Whiplash is one of the most common injuries resulting in neck pain. It is referred to as “strain” injury, due to the rapid back-and-forth motion that the neck experiences. Whiplash is most commonly sustained in car accidents or high-impact sport collisions, and it affects the soft tissues in the back of the neck.

Foot & ankle exercise

Joint Degeneration

Any joint in your body is susceptible to age-related erosion, and your neck is no exception. Conditions such as osteoarthritis can also reduce the cartilage between the vertebrae in the neck, which can result in moderate to severe pain. While physical therapy cannot change your actual bone structure, we can have a massive effect on the supporting muscles and ligaments which can significantly reduce pain.

Nerve Compression

If you have a herniated disc in your neck, the nerves that branch out from your spinal cord can become irritated. In some cases, nerve pain can even result in “radiculopathy,” which is a condition where pain, or numbness and tingling, extends from your neck all the way down to your hands and fingers. Research shows that in these cases, those with the best results seek treatment immediately after the symptoms begin. Our sports physical therapists use a combination of special tests to determine the cause of your pain and implement a treatment plan that has shown to improve symptoms quickly!

Muscle Strains

Overuse can cause the muscles in the back of your neck to become strained. Even something as simple as sitting at your desk all day with your neck craned toward the computer screen can lead to a strain in your neck muscles. Wondering why the stretches you found online aren’t giving you anything more than temporary relief? Our physical therapists will provide you with all the information and tools you need to finally relieve your neck tension!

Other Neck Conditions We Commonly Treat:

Find Neck Pain Relief Today

Don’t let neck pain limit your life any longer – contact our Thornton, CO and Denver metro area sports physical therapy team today to schedule your complimentary consultation. Get started on the path toward recovery and experience neck pain relief with!

Don’t leave it to chance.

Let Denver’s premier team of sports physical therapists and performance coaches lead the way!


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