
Generalized Low Back Pain + Sciatica

Whether you’re experiencing general low back pain, sciatica, or pain from herniated discs, our Thornton, CO sports physical therapy team can help.

The American Physical Therapy Association states that back pain is the most commonly experienced form of pain for Americans. In fact, one in every four Americans has sustained some sort of back pain in the past three months. Back pain commonly results from a muscle strain or injury; however, sometimes the back pain you’re experiencing is the result of sciatica or radicular symptoms.

Back Cupping Therapy in Denver, Colorado

Back pain can be brought on by a number of different things. We commonly treat clients with back pain during or after weight lifting, periods of prolonged sitting or standing, running, or bending and lifting while doing work around the house.

Sciatica is a common and very specific type of back pain. People who experience sciatica typically report a painful sensation in the lower back, legs, or buttocks, as it is a condition that develops from issues surrounding the nerves. While the symptoms can be quite intense, it is one of the most successfully treated diagnoses in sports physical therapy. Most clients see relief in pain within 2 weeks of starting!

Get started today!

Contact today at 720-443-3033 to schedule a consultation with one of our licensed performance physical therapists and find the best treatment plan for back pain relief!

Physical Therapy And Back Pain Relief

If you have been living with back pain, sciatica or radiating pain, don’t hesitate to contact for effective treatment options. Many believe that back pain will be a life-long issue, but that certainly does not have to be the case, especially when our team is involved! Our highly-trained Thornton, CO sports physical therapists will design an individualized treatment program just for you.

Low Back Pain Physical Therapy in Denver, CO

Clients of all ages come in with the primary complaint of back pain. Even young athletes experience back pain due to several causes including scoliosis, poor postural awareness, or insufficient core stability. Gymnasts, for example, are commonly diagnosed with spondylolisthesis which is when a vertebrae slips forward onto the bone directly under it. Symptoms usually involve constant low back pain, stiffness in back and hips, thigh pain, and tightness throughout back and legs. While it can be painful, it is also very treatable with physical therapy!

We are determined to eliminate back pain from all of our clients, as well as give them the tools to learn to manage their symptoms if it should occur again.

In order to provide you with immediate pain relief, your treatment plan may include manual therapy, postural improvement, functional dry needling, targeted mobility and strengthening exercises, myofascial decompression (cupping) or any other treatment that our sports physical therapist deems fit.

Barbell Athletes - Powerlifting / Weightlifting

As you improve throughout your treatment program, we will introduce a combination of both mobility exercises and stabilization drills over time. This is done in order to improve your strength, range of motion, and get you back to performing your daily activities without pain. Most importantly, we want all of our clients to finish their physical therapy program feeling stronger and more confident in their movements to help reduce the risk of injuring themselves again.

Conditions We Commonly Treat:

Get started today!

Contact today at 720-443-3033 to schedule a consultation with one of our licensed performance physical therapists and find the best treatment plan for back pain relief!

What’s Causing My Back Pain Or Sciatica?

The most common cause of back pain is through a sudden or abrupt movement, like a car accident, fall, or faulty lifting mechanics. The other most common way that low back pain worsens for athletes is with repetitive movements like bending and twisting with poor mechanics. It is also possible for back pain to develop from certain underlying conditions, such as scoliosis, herniated disc or degenerative disc disease.

Sciatica or back pain that radiates down the leg typically occurs between the ages of 30-50, and it can develop for a number of reasons. Sciatica can occur due to several reasons, the most common being muscular imbalances, improper positioning, and movement compensations related to mobility restrictions elsewhere in the body. Anatomically, the sciatic nerve lays just underneath, or in some cases travels through, the piriformis muscle, a small muscle in the hip. When the piriformis muscle is overused due to a weakness in other hip muscles (ie. glutes) the sciatic muscle will become irritated and elicit symptoms down the leg.

Other injuries can also lead to radiating pain, such as herniated discs, harsh falls, sports-related collisions, or anything that occurs gradually over time through overuse, repetition, or general “wear and tear.”

So, What’s The Difference Between Back Pain And Sciatica?

Back Pain

There are a large number of conditions that can result in back pain. For example, poor posture, car accidents, inability to stabilize during lifts, muscle imbalances, sports-related injuries are just a few of the ways that someone may develop back pain.
The pain you experience may either be acute or chronic, depending on when your symptoms first occurred. Acute pain means that it is a new or recent injury, symptoms lasts for a short time, and is usually severe. Chronic pain means that your symptoms began at least three months ago and it is usually characterized as dull or severe persistent pain.

Sciatica + Radiating Pain

Sciatica is the common term for when people experience pain that radiates from the low back or buttocks and travels down one of your legs. There are other medical diagnoses that also cause radiating shooting pain, “stinging,” or “burning” down one or both of your legs including disc herniations, lumbar radiculopathy, degenerative disc disease, and spinal stenosis. Your physical therapist will determine the cause of your back pain via careful examination and asking several questions about your health history.

The good news: these conditions are very treatable! Conservative management of these symptoms in physical therapy has been shown to be highly effective. Clients are often able to return to their normal activities and sports when their symptoms have resolved.

Get Out Of Pain Today!

At UNITE.Rehab.Perform Physical Therapy and Sports Performance, our main goals are to help you relieve your pain, improve your strength, and reach your optimum levels of function. If your back pain or sciatica symptoms have been limiting your daily life, contact us today for physical therapy in Thornton, CO, and Denver metro area! We will help you reach your movement and athletic goals so you can get back to working out and sports, pain free from back pain or sciatica.

Don’t leave it to chance.

Let Denver’s premier team of sports physical therapists and performance coaches lead the way!


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