
Hip & Knee Pain Relief

Get Moving With Fast Hip And Knee Pain Relief

Manual Therapy in Denver, Colorado

It is no secret that hip and knee pain can create limitations in your active life. With sports physical therapy, you can relieve your pain in the easiest, safest, and most comfortable way possible.

Do you notice pain in your knees or hips after a run? Is there a “pinching” feeling in the front of your hip while barbell squatting? Does your knee “lock up” after a long hike? If so, can help.

Get started today!

If you are looking to get rid of your hip and knee pain, contact us at (720) 443-3033 today to learn more about our safe and effective physical therapy services!

PT For Hip And Knee Pain

If you have one of the conditions listed above or a different condition that is causing your hip or knee pain, contact today! We are conveniently located in the Thornton, CO and Denver metro area! Our sports physical therapists will examine your hips and knees to check for any structural damage, in addition to evaluating your gait, stance, posture, strength, and range of motion. This will help compile important information for creating the best possible treatment plan for your needs. Treatment plans will focus on relieving pain, normalizing joint function, and relieving any abnormal stresses on your hips and knees.

Woman stepping on a box

Your treatment plan will include targeted stretches and exercises, aimed at stabilizing any weak hip and/or knee muscles and connective tissue. You may be prescribed with additional treatments as our physical therapist deems fit like personalized blood flow restriction training, functional dry needling, kinesiotaping, IASTM, or joint mobilizations. These are all aimed at alleviating your pain and promoting the healing of your damaged hip and/or knee tissues.

What’s Causing My Hip Or Knee Pain?

The structures in your hips and knees are very similar, therefore they can be subject to many of the same injuries, stress, disorders, deterioration, and diseases. Some of the most common causes of hip and knee pain include:

Weak Or Tight Muscles

The knee and hip are very much interconnected by a type of muscular pulley-system. If there is a muscle imbalance in one area, it will have a ripple effect in another area. For example, If you have a weak gluteus medius muscle and tight hip flexor muscles, this can cause the hip to rotate inward without you realizing it. Because of this, abnormal stress can be put on the knees, resulting in painful conditions, such as patellofemoral stress syndrome or iliotibial band friction syndrome.

Gait Or Stance Imbalances

Think of all the steps you take throughout your day. Even slight abnormalities in your day can easily lead to stress and premature wear-and-tear on your hips and knees.

Overuse Injuries

Several overuse injuries, including muscle strains and tendonitis, are common in both hips and knees. Frequently this occurs when the “big mover” muscles are not working as efficiently as they should be. That translates into overuse of muscles that are not built for constant use or tension, therefore leading to irritation.

Acute Injuries

These are common in both hips and knees, such as sprains, strains, and dislocations.

Cartilage Injuries

Cartilage injuries can affect both the hips or knees. For example, hip pain can be caused by cartilage injuries known as labral tears, while inflammation of the bursa sacs, known as bursitis, is a specific condition that impacts the knee joint.

Referred Pain

Pain may also develop as a result of referred pain from an inflamed sciatic nerve or lumbar disc pathology since the nerve travels through both areas.

Get Out Of Pain Today!

At UNITE.Rehab.Perform Physical Therapy and Sports Performance, our main goals are to help you relieve your pain, improve your strength, and reach your optimum levels of function. If your back pain or sciatica symptoms have been limiting your daily life, contact us today for physical therapy in Thornton, CO, and Denver metro area! We will help you reach your movement and athletic goals so you can get back to working out and sports, pain free from back pain or sciatica.

Other Conditions We Commonly Encounter:

Why Am I Experiencing These Symptoms?

The hips and knees are two very different types of joints: the hips are ball-and-socket joints that act as a support for your upper body weight, while the knees are hinge joints that allow for the forward-and-backward motions within the joint.

Believe it or not, the knees actually support more of your weight than the hips do, as they allow you to stand, walk, run, dance, etc. Your hips and knees rely on numerous muscles and tissues to maintain their proper function and mobility, and when things aren’t working correctly, you may experience hip or knee pain.

Having A Nutritious Diet Can Help You Feel Stronger

Think of all the steps you take throughout your day. Even slight abnormalities in your day can easily lead to stress and premature wear-and-tear on your hips and knees.


People can experience hip and knee pain together or separately. The hip and knee joints work together to provide the optimum function for the lower extremities; however, sometimes a condition resulting in pain with these joints can cause their function to go awry.

Sometimes hip or knee pain originates within the respective joint; however, it is also possible that the pain you feel in your hip or knee may be rooted in a different part of the body.


For example, a problem with the hip joint may transmit a pain signal to the knees, and vice versa. Since the hips and knees are both parts of the same kinetic chain, they make up a combination of weight-bearing joints that must function together in harmony in order for your body and posture to function properly. If one part of the kinetic chain is out of balance, stress may be placed on another joint.

Relieve Your Hip And Knee Pains Today

If you have been limited by your hip and/or knee pain, schedule a consultation with our Thornton, CO and Denver metro area sports physical therapy team today. We’ll provide you with the best methods for getting rid of your pain, so you can get back to your life!

Don’t leave it to chance.

Let Denver’s premier team of sports physical therapists and performance coaches lead the way!


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