Pushups are a powerhouse move for building strength, but shoulder pain during this staple exercise is all too common. From poor form to tight muscles or overuse, the causes vary—
Training is leading the shift to a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle. At UNITE.rehab.perform, we integrate expert coaching with a supportive community to deliver personalized t
Rest is often seen as the ultimate cure for pain or injury, but relying on it exclusively can do more harm than good. Prolonged rest may lead to muscle atrophy, deconditioning, and
With opening day around the corner, we want to help you get prepped for a fun and injury-free season! Snow sports are a favorite here in Colorado, but each year, many people experi
Kickstart your New Year's goal ahead of time. Goals to workout, eat healthy, and stay on track can be made simple! With these healthy tips, you are sure to stay on track this holid
When I moved out here to Colorado I knew a goal of mine would be to complete as many 14ers as I could. I knew this wouldn’t be easy moving to higher altitude, adjusting my traini
What that means is pretty much every sense that your body receives from the outside world runs through the vestibular system and is integrated in the brain.
MYTH: Strength training is not safe.
FACT: Strength training for young athletes should focus on form and technique and be kept simple to prevent injuries while training. Training
At UNITE.rehab.perform we are offering training to young athletes interested in taking their game to the next level. Our coaches are experienced and present for all training sessi
The training of young athletes has been a controversial topic and is fraught with misconceptions and misunderstandings. In the past, children were discouraged from participating i
Having A Nutritious Diet Can Help You Feel Stronger Nutrition has a big impact on your athletic health, whether you’re a serious runner, a weekend warrior, or simply wanting to g